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Nitrility’s premise is simple: buying, selling, and verifying IP licenses should be easy and transparent. Today, it’s not.


Intellectual Property (IP)

Any creation that is unique and owned by someone. This includes songs, software, designs, inventions, patents, trademarks, and copyrights.

Rightsholder (IP Owner)

The individual or entity that owns the IP. This could be a creator, artist, inventor, company, or any entity with legal rights to the IP.

License (Rights)

A legal contract that gives someone permission to use a rightsholder's IP. Each license can have customized terms and conditions. The license is typically sold, meaning there is a price for using the IP, ensuring the rightsholder is compensated.


Imagine you're a creator. You've made something amazing—a song, software, design, or new invention. Many people want to use your work—YouTubers, TV shows, companies, you name it. But selling the license (rights) is a nightmare. You need to prove you own the IP, find/contact buyers, and draft complex legal agreements. It’s like selling a house with no agent, no property records, and no standard contracts. Frustrating, right?

Now, imagine you're a buyer. You find the perfect piece of IP for your project—maybe a song for your video, software for your app, or a design for your product. But tracking down the rightsholder is nearly impossible. You contact different people, wait forever for responses, and when you finally find the rightsholder, you’re faced with delayed negotiations, overpriced offers, and thousands of dollars in legal fees to draft a proper license agreement. The worst part is, even if you purchase a license, there's no way for anyone to know you own it. This leads to false lawsuits, copyright claims, and DMCA takedowns. It’s like buying a used car with no title, no contact with the seller, and still getting pulled over for theft. Annoying and costly!